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Latest news

CHL became participating center of the ASCEND-5 study

The study aims to enroll 236 participants all over the world and is estimated to be completed by July 2017. Recently,... read more...

Workshop "Le Registre des Arrêts Cardiaques pour le Luxembourg"

"Le Registre des Arrêts Cardiaques pour le Luxembourg, un mythe ou une nécessité?" read more...

Luxembourgish Results of the QUALICOPC survey presented at the 19th WONCA EUROPE Conference

In 2012, more than 750 patients visiting 80 general practitioners in Luxembourg participated in an international surv... read more...

EFGCP Paediatrics Masterclass, London

29 September 2014, Paediatric Drug Development & the Paediatric Investigation Plan (PIP): Background, Operational Cha... read more...

NEW STUDY: 700 runners will be recruited in the field of Sports Medicine in Luxembourg

You are an ambitious runner or a keen beginner one? Get involved now! This study has been created for you. read more...

Femmes et cancer: Symposium de formation en Oncologie

Date : 22 novembre 2014. Le GSO (Groupe de Soignants en Oncologie) a le Plaisir de vous inviter à son symposium de fo... read more...

NEW INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME IN BREAST CANCER: AURORA - Aiming to Understand the Molecular Aberrations in Metastatic Breast Cancer

Thanks to the current technologies, we are now able to characterize cancer on the genetic level. These tremendous adv... read more...

Women health: New study has started – MILO

A Multinational, Randomized, Open-label Phase 3 Study of MEK162 versus. Physician’s Choice Chemotherapy in Patients w... read more...

Parkinson: renforcement de la Recherche au Luxembourg

Le Dr Rejko Krüger, spécialiste mondialement connu de la maladie de Parkinson, vient de rejoinder les équipes du Luxe... read more...

Call for participants: get involved now!

How is it possible that adverse experiences in childhood (such as adoption, parental divorce, or sickness) can increa... read more...

6e JRC Formation Pharmacovigilance SAVE THE DATE

Cette année en date du mercredi, 22 octobre 2014 à l’hôtel Novotel Luxembourg-Kirchberg read more...

7ème Conférence Internationale Francophone contre le VIH et les Hépatites – Avril 2014

Le Dr Kéké du CIEC était à Montpellier du 27 au 30 avril 2014 read more...

SAVE THE DATE - September 11th- EFGCP Multi-Stakeholder WS & Discussion

How to Ensure Optimal Ethical Review within the New Clinical Trials Regulation? read more...

BIOCAR : First participants being recruited

Healthy volunteers are currently being recruited in order to participate in a research study in the field of nutrition. read more...

EFGCP Workshop on « Quality Risk Management in Clinical Trials”

Demonstrating How to Implement Risk-Based Monitoring

Discover the film on Clinical Research in Luxemburgish version

A must-see - Created within the ECRAN project which aims to make understanding clinical trials easy for the public read more...

Anna Chioti awarded by ACRP

Dr. Anna Chioti was recognized with “The Advancing Public Awareness in Clinical Research Award” by the Association of... read more...

4rth June 2014 : half-day interactive and certified training in “Good Clinical Practice”

CIEC – CRP-Santé and CHL jointly organize a half-day interactive and certified training in “Good Clinical Practice” ;... read more...

4 juin 2014 – Formation interactive sur les « Bonnes Pratiques Cliniques »

Le CIEC CRP-Santé et le Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL) organisent conjointement une formation interactive cer... read more...

CIEC welcomed a new member in April 2014

Aurélie Fischer, Clinical Research Associate

Myélome multiple: accès au traitement anticipé au Luxembourg

Le pomalidomide (Imnovid®) a fait l’objet au Luxembourg d’une autorisation temporaire d’utilisation (ATU) read more...

Célébration Journée Internationale des Essais Cliniques

Stands d’information dans votre hôpital le mardi, 20 mai 2014 read more...

Clinical trials: clearer rules, better protection for patients

Pharmaceutical companies and academic researchers will have to post the results of all their European clinical trials... read more...

MSF Operational Research Date in June – Save the date

The event will take place on Friday 13th June in Brussels, from 9h to 17h. read more...

EUPATI Training Course

“Patient Experts in Medicines Research & Development” Deadline for applications: 20 April 2014 read more...

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Who should register?

Healthcare professionals who wish to be part of a unique network, providing access to up-to-date, accurate and validated information about clinical research.

Investigators and study staff who wish to be part of a unique network, in order to stay abreast of clinical trials taking place in Luxembourg and who are willing to further develop their competencies.