5th CLINICAL RESEARCH DAY CIEC, CRP- SANTÉ * SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY EDITION * Mercredi 23 octobre 2013 Hôtel Novotel... read more...
This course is intended for pharmaceutical industry professionals and academic researchers who want to acquire skills... read more...
This presentation will provide an overview of a new therapeutic approach in oncological treatments; denditric cell-ba... read more...
One day Interactive GCP-Workshop for Experienced Researchers
Luxembourgish physicians can participate in different ways
Organised by the EFGCP Education Working Party, With the participation of EMA and MHRA speakers. read more...
Stand d’information et Quizz dans les hôpitaux : le CRP-Santé célèbre la Journée Internationale de la Recherche Clinique read more...
Myriam Alexandre, Senior Clinical Research Associate
A Phase IIIb multicentric open label single arm trial sponsored by Roche is currently conducted worlwide.. The treatm... read more...
Health Examination Survey on the resident population of Luxembourg (EHES-LUX) The Luxemburgish Ministry of Health ... read more...
In the context of the official collaboration agreement signed between CRP-Santé and the Labatt Brain Tumour Research ... read more...
Watch the OFFICIAL RARE DISEASE DAY VIDEO and find more information on the sixth international Rare Disease Day coord... read more...
IBBL (Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg), the Centre de Recherche Public – Santé (CRP-Santé) and the Partnership for P... read more...
The RELIEF Migraine Registry was recently launched to evaluate the long-term safety and performance of neurostimulati... read more...
The speakers' presentations are now available
Les Inhibiteurs de Protéase pour la prise en charge de l'hépatite C chronique read more...
Une information complète, objective et scientifiquement fiable sur la Recherche & Développement des médicaments pour ... read more...
Un nouveau médicament (Glycopyrronium Bromide) pour la prise en charge de la bronchite chronique read more...
265 ans depuis que James Lind, médecin de la marine écossaise, a lancé son premier essai clinique contrôlé le 20 ma... read more...
La prévalence de l'HTA en Afrique.
Le CIEC et la qualité des soins de santé primaire en Europe. read more...
- En 2011, le CIEC a initié au total 16 études cliniques. - Le 1er avril 2011, le CIEC a lancé www.luxclin.lu. - En... read more...
for articles/videos/studies
Healthcare professionals who wish to be part of a unique network, providing access to up-to-date, accurate and validated information about clinical research.
Investigators and study staff who wish to be part of a unique network, in order to stay abreast of clinical trials taking place in Luxembourg and who are willing to further develop their competencies.