Envoyez votre demande pour participer à la formation avant le 31 mars 2015 ! read more...
The New England Journal of Medicine, one of the most influential medical journals distributed in over 120 countries, ... read more...
The purpose of this registry is to assess long-term safety profile of Adempas® in real life clinical practice read more...
France 3 Lorraine – Rapport télévisé – Professions de santé & Recherche au Luxembourg read more...
With the TINN Study, the CIEC will manage its first study within the ECRIN network read more...
Launch of the national platform in Luxembourg and organization of an encounter on 17th December 2014 to inform key st... read more...
“Combler l’écart en matière de prévention et de traitement” read more...
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Healthcare professionals who wish to be part of a unique network, providing access to up-to-date, accurate and validated information about clinical research.
Investigators and study staff who wish to be part of a unique network, in order to stay abreast of clinical trials taking place in Luxembourg and who are willing to further develop their competencies.