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6ème Journée de la Recherche Clinique

Présentations en ligne sur www.jrc.lu

Colorectal cancer (CRC)

A new Phase III clinical trial for patients With CRC refractory to standard therapies read more...

Prévention de l'AVC (Schlaganfall) et facteurs de risques. La réponse des spécialistes

29/10/2014 Château de Bettembourg 19h00 - 21h00 D'après une statistique 5 personnes au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg su... read more...

SAVE THE DATE A Multi-Stakeholder Workshop of the Joint EFGCP-MedTech Europe Medical Technology Working Party

on "Mitigating Risks in the Lifecycle of Medical Devices: Options and Challenges in the Medical Device Legislation" read more...

Families and schools: Come and discover clinical research! Participate in CRP-Santé’s interactive workshop at the Researchers' Days 2014!

Families and schools: At this year’s edition of the Researchers’ Days, taking place on 7th and 8th of November at Car... read more...

CHL became participating center of the ASCEND-5 study

The study aims to enroll 236 participants all over the world and is estimated to be completed by July 2017. Recently,... read more...

Workshop "Le Registre des Arrêts Cardiaques pour le Luxembourg"

"Le Registre des Arrêts Cardiaques pour le Luxembourg, un mythe ou une nécessité?" read more...

Luxembourgish Results of the QUALICOPC survey presented at the 19th WONCA EUROPE Conference

In 2012, more than 750 patients visiting 80 general practitioners in Luxembourg participated in an international surv... read more...

EFGCP Paediatrics Masterclass, London

29 September 2014, Paediatric Drug Development & the Paediatric Investigation Plan (PIP): Background, Operational Cha... read more...

NEW STUDY: 700 runners will be recruited in the field of Sports Medicine in Luxembourg

You are an ambitious runner or a keen beginner one? Get involved now! This study has been created for you. read more...

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Who should register?

Healthcare professionals who wish to be part of a unique network, providing access to up-to-date, accurate and validated information about clinical research.

Investigators and study staff who wish to be part of a unique network, in order to stay abreast of clinical trials taking place in Luxembourg and who are willing to further develop their competencies.