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Latest news

Journée hypertension 15/05/2017 à la Coque

En plein air, les passants ont profité de leur pause de midi pour participer, selon leur choix, à des sessions de yog... read more...

LuxCLIN conference - 30 & 31 May 2017

“eClinical Research: getting virtual and personal”

GCP Refresher Training for investigators and their staff

31st May 2017 01:30 pm - 05:45 pm at CHL Luxembourg read more...

Luxembourg LIH coordinates clinical phase of innovative orphan drug

Vamorolone is an innovative first generation dissociative steroid drug specifically designed to retain or improve the... read more...

Register Now! Workshop on Quality and Innovation in Complex Studies

EFGCP Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on Quality and Innovation in Complex Studies - 12 June 2017 read more...

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Who should register?

Healthcare professionals who wish to be part of a unique network, providing access to up-to-date, accurate and validated information about clinical research.

Investigators and study staff who wish to be part of a unique network, in order to stay abreast of clinical trials taking place in Luxembourg and who are willing to further develop their competencies.