This expert patient training is an unique opportunity that offers patients and their representatives to be trained in research and drug development and is specially adapted to them. The course is designed to improve the understanding of information on research and development (R & D) in medicine and to stimulate greater participation of patients in drug development.
The course is based on new learning and teaching methods suited for patients and their representatives, with a real interest in acquiring skills and knowledge of the whole process of drug discovery and development.
The EUPATI expert training on the process of research and drug development is for patients and their representatives. The course is a mix of online and face-to-face courses over a period of 14 months.
The first cycle started in October 2014 and will continue until December 2015. The second round of training experts EUPATI begins in September 2015 and will last until the end of November 2016. 55 participants will be selected by an independent selection committee, based on predefined criteria. Candidates must commit to at least 250 hours of e-learning (online) and movement of 8 to 10 days (including travel) to attend face-to-training sessions. At the end of the course, students will have acquired the knowledge to make a significant contribution to patient empowerment, advocacy, and contribute to the broader dialogue on patient participation in research and drug development across Europe.
Further information are available in the Guide for Applicant section of the EUPATI website:
To learn more about EUPATI and the course we invite you to watch this video of Nicola Bedlington, Secretary General of the European Forum (EPF) and coordinator of EUPATI: Jq_pfZrb0W0
She talks about why it is essential that patient advocates become qualified partners to improve patient participation in research and drug development.
For questions please contact:
Danielle FLORES, policy and program assistant at the Forum of European patients (EPF):
Tania Zamboni, secretary of EUPATI Luxembourg or (+352) 26 970 800
All this information comes from EUPATI:
for articles/videos/studies
Healthcare professionals who wish to be part of a unique network, providing access to up-to-date, accurate and validated information about clinical research.
Investigators and study staff who wish to be part of a unique network, in order to stay abreast of clinical trials taking place in Luxembourg and who are willing to further develop their competencies.