The Luxemburgish Ministry of Health has asked the Centre for Health Studies (CES) of the Public Research Centre for Health (CRP-Santé) to conduct a Health Examination Survey on the resident population of Luxembourg (EHES-LUX). 13’400 persons will be invited to take part. Within a broader framework, the EHES-LUX is part of the European Health Surveys (EHES and EHIS).
The main goals of EHES-LUX are:
•To assess the proportion of the population suffering from major diseases (for example heart diseases, diabetes, lung diseases, cancer) and their relation to lifestyle behaviours and risk factors (for example smoking, nutrition, pollution and obesity).
•To compare the results between various sub-groups of the population (for example women-men, old-young, rural-urban place of residence).
•To design targeted prevention and information campaigns.
•To compare the results between European countries.
What will be done in the study?
EHES-LUX is composed of 3 parts:
1. Questionnaire on your health, your lifestyle behaviours, etc…
2. Medical examinations: blood pressure, height, weight and waist, hips and thigh circumferences. Examination of your vision. Measurement of your respiration that consists of blowing into a device (spirometer).
3. Laboratory analysis: A blood and urine sample will be collected in order to detect fat disorders in the blood, diabetes, cardio-vascular, kidney and thyroid problems. A very small hair sample will be taken to study the pollution you are exposed to.
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