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Clinical Trials Honour Roll

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The Honour Roll celebrates all the individual volunteers, professionals and organisations that make clinical trials possible, helping advance medicine safe in celebration of International Clinical Trials Day, 20th May 2011.




The Clinical Trials Honour Roll was launched for the first time in 2008 as a way to promote clinical research and recognise individuals and organisations in Australia and New Zealand contributing time, resources and expertise, either as trial volunteers or in the course of their professional responsibilities, thereby helping advance knowledge about the new treatments being developed, and use of currently approved medicines.


On the occasion of the International Clinical Trials day on may 20th, the CIEC of CRP-SANTE Luxembourg was Nominated For Their Clinical Trial Activities, Helping Advance Medical Knowledge & Care for Everyone.


Who should register?

Healthcare professionals who wish to be part of a unique network, providing access to up-to-date, accurate and validated information about clinical research.

Investigators and study staff who wish to be part of a unique network, in order to stay abreast of clinical trials taking place in Luxembourg and who are willing to further develop their competencies.